
Friday, November 11, 2011

Life Soundtrack

In every movie, there is music that makes it easy to identify the mood of the current scence. So I got thinking, wouldn't it be sweet if we actually had that in life? We've all seen those scary movies where that creeper is coming up behind that girl and she has no clue, we of course do because the music is telling us something bad is about to happen. I would love it if for every time my sister's and I were stalked we had some music that said "hey, weirdo at six o'clock!"

Then of course there would be songs that would play right before you meet the guy of your dreams. Probably something like Taylor Swift. (Just not T-Swift bashing on some guy she dated and broke up with.) And the Adele songs you'd listen to after that heartbreak. I'm feeling "Someone like you" for that one. Throw in some Daniel Powter for a really crappy dayand some Usher or Jason Duerlo if you're about to walk into a really crazy party.

Sometimes I wonder what my days would mostly be made up of. I bet I would have a lot of Taylor Swift and Jason Duerlo. Maybe a little country if I was feeling loose. What would your Life Soundtrack sound like?

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